When it comes to whole house surge protector installation, some envision a large magical box that can absorb lightning bolts while others think it’s a super-sized power strip. There are a lot of misconceptions about how house surge protector works. Simply put, this is a system that limits the excess electrical current from travelling throughout your electrical system by diverting it to a ground wire. Although lightning is a major culprit, power surges can also be triggered by normal utility company’s operations or downed power lines. Devices within the home can generate them as well. Whole house surge protector installation should be done by a residential electrician to ensure proper functionality, as well as the safety of your electronics, home, and your family.
If you have any questions about our services or you are ready to schedule an appointment, feel free to contact us! We are always happy to hear from you.
(512) 788-4761Location
1408 Brandi Ln, Round Rock, TX 78664
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